Technological innovations for sustainable change: a path to traceability

Gibovic, Denisa
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In today's world, sustainability is paramount amid environmental and social challenges. Technologies such as AI, IoT, and blockchain offer innovative solutions, particularly in addressing global supply chain complexities, food sourcing, and waste management transparency. These issues have societal and economic implications, drawing the interest of policymakers, businesses, and researchers. Blockchain technology has recently emerged as transformative, providing transparency and efficiency across industries. Its sustainability potential lies in decentralization, immutability, and traceability, promising a revolution in environmental problem-solving and ethical practices for a more sustainable future. This thesis explores the intersection of blockchain and sustainability, focusing on waste management, supply chain ethics, and product life cycle traceability. It investigates the influence of technologies and tokenization on citizen behaviour, emphasizing technology adoption and shifts in recycling habits. Utilizing a qualitative research methodology, two contrasting cases were examined. Case 1 involved a pilot project introducing RECICLOS, a virtual reward token, and gamified incentives to promote recycling among families. Key innovations included the introduction of a token, gamified incentives, web app-based communication, and feedback. Mobile technologies were universally applicable, given the multifaceted nature of recycling activities and their influence on human behaviour. The results underscore the effectiveness of innovative incentive schemes in altering people's recycling habits. In Case 2, the study explored blockchain's role in enhancing waste management within port ecosystems. The CircularPort solution pilot with the Barcelona Port Authority showcased blockchain's potential to transform waste management in ports, contributing to sustainable outcomes. The shift of port authorities toward circular business models is pivotal. In this context, waste generators, including port authorities and shipowners, must address environmental concerns. Case 3 assessed the impact of RECICLOS on citizen behaviour, uniquely exploring technology adoption dynamics in the context of recycling. This research offers practical insights for policymakers, businesses, and organizations promoting eco-friendly practices. The methodologies employed, data collected, and conclusions drawn will be explored in the subsequent sections, offering a comprehensive understanding of how social innovation shapes citizens' behaviour and the future of recycling. The findings underscore the significant role of blockchain and advanced technologies in fostering sustainability, particularly in waste management and recycling. The integration of these technologies facilitates the adoption of circular business models in traditionally linear industries. In conclusion, innovative blockchain and advanced technologies substantially contribute to promoting sustainability, providing transparency, accountability, and efficiency across diverse industries. Their capacity to achieve circularity, reduce waste, and preserve the environment makes them invaluable tools in our quest for a more sustainable future ​
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