Comparative evaluation of microbial activity in the decomposition of organic matter from solid household waste in Guayaquil

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The escalating global population and subsequent rise in consumerism underscore the critical need for proper solid waste management, with a specific focus on the daily disposal of organic waste. Inadequate waste management poses direct threats to public health, as uncontrolled fermentation provides afertile ground for bacterial growth. This study explores the efficacy of employing Microorganisms, specifically comparing Trichodermato a Microbial Biocatalyst, for the treatment of daily solid organic waste (D.S.O.W.). Following Falconi's (2013a) methodology for the capture, multiplication, and conidial count of microorganisms, a pilot study utilizing a Bioreactor was conducted. The statistical analysis of parameters such as Humidity, Weight, pH leachates, Temperature, Time, and Volume, with corresponding ANOVA significance levels, resulted in the rejection of null hypotheses for most parameters, except pH m.o. The capture and multiplication of Trichoderma spp. microorganisms reached a count 7.6×109/ml. Treatment 6 (T6) emerged as more effective and efficient in decomposing organic matter (OM), exhibiting distinct stages of psychrophilic, mesophilic (3 days), thermophilic (6 days), psychrophilic (3 days), and cooling (3 days), culminating in the decomposition of OM in 15 days within the bioreactor. The results validate the working hypothesis, affirming the potential of Microorganisms, especially Trichoderma, in enhancing the treatment of daily solid organic waste ​
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