El turismo como un instrumento para la patrimonialización de los bienes y manifestaciones culturales del municipio de Honda
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This investigation is based on the problem that the process of tourist and cultural patrimonialization of the municipality of Honda was gestated and developed by the local political and economic powers, who instrumentalized the community and its cultural assets for mercantilist purposes for their appropriation and benefit, camouflaging their interests in tourist products with cultural connotations, as a strategy to maintain their hegemony and territorial dominance. As a sophistry of distraction, the discourse of conservation and the claim of cultural identity was used, in the same way, the patrimonialization process that has been developed in the municipality of Honda is part of a premeditated exercise of exclusion, with the intention of making invisible the cultural forms of the marginalized, who have exerted resistance to the regional political powers that have dominated them hegemonically and from whom they have permanently demanded significant changes in the social structures and pre-existing power relations.
So then, it is based on several questions such as: Who are the true beneficiaries of these patrimonialization processes? Why do relationships and alliances arise between the public and the private, both in patrimonialization and in touristification? Why are certain goods and manifestations selected and others are excluded? What is the level of participation and interference by local actors? Why does touristification manifest itself after patrimonialization?
The general objective of the research was to analyze the patrimonialization process that has been developed in the municipality of Honda from its assets and cultural manifestations, in the context of political and economic dynamics in which the interests of the tourist market have been privileged. . As specific objectives, the following were proposed: 1. Identify the different actors that are involved in the processes of tourist patrimonialization, analyzing the set of relationships and tensions arising from the interests of each sector in relation to the benefits of tourism. 2. Know the commercial and mercantile dynamics that are motivated and carried out by the tourist activity in the territory giving rise to the touristification of the destination once it has been the object of patrimonialization. 3. Analyze the consequences derived from the processes of patrimonialization and touristification in the communities and the territory.
To develop this research, a methodological design based on the qualitative approach was proposed, which was based on a socio-critical paradigm. The method that guided the research was ethnography and the research techniques that were used to obtain the information were observation and the semi-structured interview
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