Exèquies reials a Girona. Cerimonial i escenografia efímera
The arrival of a letter at the townhall communicating the king’s death or the death of a relative of his must have caused a double feeling of misfortune. For the local government, from the king’s representative and the mayor to the townhall members and counselors of the city, the loss of the head of the kingdom and the subsequent mourning meant the responsability of organising in a few days the obsequies in memory of the deceased. And what sometimes brought about the most concern: to provide for the necessary means to finance the ceremony. This work aims at approaching the series of events and social behaviours that took place in the city of Girona, similarly to what happened in other towns of the medieval west, from the announcement of a death to lthe commemoration of the mourning and the scenic put-up where the best city artifex took part.
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