Los poderes probatorios del juez de amparoun garante de la corrección epistémica de los hechos

This article aims to show the importance of enhancing evidentiary powers of judges in processes of contitutional control, such as the amparo trial in Mexico, specifically the ones related to the mandatory incorporation of evidence, in order to strengthen the investigation of the truth in the process. This article also subverts the ideas that have hindered its exercise: loss of impartiality or transgression of the part contribution principle. It points out two issuies: first, this powers are provided by the Amparo Law in limited cases and second, additional civil codification must be used to regulate the exercise of the Amparo Law, whose text, in practice, restricts the contradic-tion principle, to the detriment of the defense rights of both parties. This is the reason why it is neccessary to implement an amendment that remedy such deficiencies and impose limits on the behavior of the judges ​
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