Production and characterization of magnetic iron-based materials by mechanical alloying, arc melting, and spark plasma sintering
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This thesis dissertation discusses the microstructure, thermal behavior, magnetic and mechanical properties of some Fe-based alloys and a high entropy alloy (HEA) in the form of mechanically alloyed powders or bulk solids, taking into account processing conditions. The Fe-based alloys are utilized extensively in sectors such as aircraft production, military, industrial, medical, and manufacturing, while the HEA materials are ideal materials for compressors, combustion chambers, exhaust nozzles, and gas turbine case applications in gas turbine engines. Five alloys (Fe70Ni12B16Si2, Fe80X8B12(X=Nb,NiZr), FeCoNiB0.5Si0.5 (HEA), Fe65Ni28Mn7 and FeCoMn) were synthesized and their structural, thermal, and magnetic properties were investigated. Mechanical characteristics of bulk alloys have also been examined. Based on the manufacturing procedure of the powders or bulk samples, all alloys were compared: structurally, magnetically, and mechanically
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