El concepto Drive en España: las claves del éxito de iquodrive
In the face of the new electronic sales formats, the French distribution chains in the gro-cery retailing sector have been developing the Drive concept (Auchandrive, Chronodrive, E.LeclercDrive) with remarkable success and acceptance. This business model is not a simple store delivery service but rather a concept that offers the customer the speed and convenience of buying online in a cheaper and freer way. In contrast to the success of this model in France and the UK, Spain seems to be keeping out of this new channel. This article presents the Bon Preu group's iquodrive success story.Factors such as the clear identification of the potential customer, web design, efficiency in operations management, consumer-oriented product offerings, suitable geographical location, quality of service and delivery, all linked to a clear reduction in the structure of costs, thanks to their particular format, have been instrumental in turning this shopping experience into a pioneering success story across the country