Del Club dels Novel·listes a la Comissió de les Lletres Catalanes: relació entre escriptors i sindicats durant la «belle époque des songes socialo-communistes»

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The conditions imposed by the social revolution that broke out in Barcelona after the July 19, 1936, forced all workers' organizations to join one of the two majority unions: UGT or CNT. Those trades that, like writers, until then had not seen the need to unionize had to create the minimum structures to satisfy the compulsory unionization. Several attempts were made between the last weeks of July and the first weeks of August to carry out this syndication of literary authors. The only one that would succeed and become hegemonic would be the Agrupació d'Escriptors Catalans (AEC), which would take advantage of a previous associative structure, the Club dels Novel·listes, to adapt to the new revolutionary times and join the UGT. The fit of writers to a trade union structure could not be simple. The Departament d'Edicions of the Secretaria de Treball Col·lectiu (UGT-CNT) began to issue clear warnings against the AEC in October 1936, questioning some of its primary activities. To get out of this impasse, the writers began a quick approach to the Departament de Cultura by asking to the Culture Minister to create a Comitè d'Edicions Catalanes and transforming it immediately into a Comissió de les Lletres Catalanes, prelude of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes ​
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