Accumulation of polyethylene microplastics in river biofilms and effect on the uptake, biotransformation and toxicity of the antimicrobial triclosan

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The interaction of multiple stressors in freshwater ecosystems may lead to adverse effects on aquatic communities and their ecological functions. Microplastics (MPs) are a class of contaminants of emerging concern that can exert both direct and indirect ecotoxicological effects. A growing number of studies have investigated MPs-attached microbial communities, but the interaction between MPs and substrate-associated biofilm (i.e., on natural river substrates, such as stones and sediments) remains poorly studied. In this work, the combined effects of polyethylene MPs (PE-MPs) with a particle size of 10–45 μm (2 mg/L) and the antimicrobial triclosan (TCS) (20 μg/L) were investigated on river biofilms through a short-term exposure experiment (72 h). To the best of authors’ knowledge, this is the first time that the combined effects of MPs and chemical contaminants in substrate-associated river biofilms were assessed. Different response parameters were evaluated, including (i) exposure assessment and ii) contaminants effects at different levels: bacterial community composition, antibiotic resistance, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), photosynthetic efficiency (Yeff), and leucine aminopeptidase activity (LAPA). Triclosan was accumulated in river biofilms (1189–1513 ng/g dw) alongside its biotransformation product methyl-triclosan (20−29 ng/g dw). Also, PE-MPs were detected on biofilms (168−292 MP/cm2), but they had no significant influence on the bioaccumulation and biotransformation of TCS. A moderate shift in bacterial community composition was driven by TCS, regardless of PE-MPs co-exposure (e.g., increased relative abundance of Sphingomonadaceae family). Additionally, Yeff and EPS content were significantly disrupted in TCS-exposed biofilms. Therefore, the most remarkable effects on river biofilms were related to the antimicrobial TCS, whereas single PE-MPs exposure did not alter any of the evaluated parameters. These results demonstrate that biofilms might act as environmental sink of MPs. Although no interaction between PE-MPs and TCS was observed, the possible indirect impact of other MPs-adsorbed contaminants on biofilms should be further assessed ​
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