Pressurised sand bed filtration model: Set up and energy requirements for a filtration cycle
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Rapid deep bed filtration is a common process of drip irrigation systems to prevent emitter clogging. The particle retention in the porous media increases the pressure difference between the filter's inlet and outlet. Commercial operational instructions preset a threshold value of this pressure difference to define the end of a filtration cycle. Accurate particle retention models may contribute in the determination of this setpoint to improve the energy efficiency of a filtration cycle. A two-step method was developed to calibrate a phenomenological particle retention model with transient data of the filter pressure drop, and retained mass in different media slices at the end of the filtration cycle. The first step used the vertical profile of accumulated mass in the media to fit the input parameters of the specific deposit rate equation. The second step applied the pressure data to find the input parameters of the pressure drop equation. The use of constant values of the input parameters provided reasonable results for all tests. When the end of the filtration cycle was set by applying a threshold pressure drop, both particle mass accumulation and removal efficiency decreased as the flow rate increased. By using the threshold pressure drop criterion, the energy consumption in a filtration cycle also decreased as the flow rate increased, but the energy consumption per unit of filtered water volume increased. For high setpoint pressure drop values, a minimum of the energy consumption per unit of filtered water volume as a function of the flow rate was found