Estudio del manuscrito 10260 de la BNE: una traducción española de las "Mémoires" de Philippe de Commynes

Pérez Ramos, Yolanda
This doctoral thesis studies the manuscript 10260 of the Spanish National Library called: Corónica del Rey Luis de Françia, onzeno deste nombre, hecha y compuesta por un caballero borgoñón llamado Felipo de Comines, Señor de Argentón, de la Casa e Corte del Duque Charles de Borgoña. It’s a anonymous manuscript which has a Spanish translation of the first part of the Mémoires writted by Philippe de Commynes, a famous French biographer of the king Louis XI of France, who served him. Our work is a critical edition of that manuscript from a rigorous transcription and transcript annotation in the essential characteristics of the translator-copyst, as in place names and all the onomastics of the period. The thesis consists of two parts. First, we present a bibliographic summary of the contributions on the Commynes studies in Spain, as well as a study, as far as possible, of the main characteristics of the manuscript and translation. In a second part we present the critical edition and the footnote ​
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Biblioteca Nacional de España