Com elaborar un treball acadèmic: TFG / TFM: passos a tenir en compte per elaborar amb èxit el teu treball

Course about how to prepare an academic paper. The course is structured in 7 training modules that correspond to the steps that must be taken into account to prepare the Treball Final de Grau (TFG) or Master (TFM) successfully. The course modules are: first steps (consultation of the Study regulations and guide, definition of the subject and preparation of the search for information), where to look for information (academic search engines, databases, catalogues, . ..), evaluate information (analyze information sources), avoid plagiarism (what it means, how to avoid it, and how to detect it), cite and bibliography (citation styles and bibliographic managers), write and defend your TFG/TFM, and finally the benefits of publishing academic work in open access ​
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