La síndrome de burnout en el personal d’infermeria en el període de pandèmia: revisió bibliogràfica
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Background: The Burnout Syndrome (BS) is described as a multi-causal syndrome
in which the worker can present emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a
decrease in personal fulfillment. There are four levels of BS that correspond to mild,
moderate, severe and extremely severe. BS is measured using the Maslach Burnout
Inventory scale, which consists of 22 questions related to the feelings and thoughts
of the healthcare professional, the healthcare environment and the patients.
Treatment focuses on the individual, social, institutional and therapeutic level of the
person. The pandemic has collapsed the Spanish health system, exacerbating the
stress on the nursing staff. Nursing has been identified as a group at risk of suffering
from BS as a result of the constantly increasing workload, and the complexity of the
moral and ethical decisions they have to face at work. Aims: to identify the profile of
the nursing professional who presents a greater risk of developing Burnout
Syndrome. To determine the risk factors and protective factors for developing
Burnout Syndrome