Efectivitat d'una intervenció educativa en els coneixements de les infermeres sobre les nafres d'etiologia venosa: projecte de recerca

Salama Hamdaoui, Chaymae
Introduction: Venous etiology ulcers are considered one of the most common skin lesions that affect the population, accounting for 75-80% of all type of ulcers in the lower extremities. These are characterized by the loss of skin integrity in the foot or leg region that does not heal within the expected time period (more than 6 weeks). The evolution depends on the treatment and care applied, and therefore, the responsible healthcare professional must closely monitor it. However, several studies have shown that there is a lack of knowledge among Nurses regarding the etiology of venous sores. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of training related to venous etiology sores on the knowledge of primary care Nurses in the basic health area of Roses. Material and methods: The next project consists of conducting an almost experimental design study with pre- and post-tests. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention focused on improving the knowledge of Nurses about venous etiology sores. The study will take place among Nurses working in the basic health area of Roses during 2023 ​
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