Estudi dels consums d’aigua i energia en el pavelló municipal de Fontajau Girona. Situació actual i propostes de millora

Soler i Fiol, Clara
Sports pavilions are key facilities for the development of physical activity and sports, but they also represent a challenge in terms of sustainability. This study focuses on analyzing the sustainability of the Municipal Pavilion of Fontajau in Girona, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of electricity and water consumption. The study has been conducted at two levels: a more general one that allows observing the consumption evolution over the years, and a more detailed one to analyze consumption patterns on an hourly basis. In terms of water consumption, a significant decrease has been observed from 2019 to the present, initially caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 2021, there has been a progressive increase, reaching current levels ranging between 250 m³ and 400 m³ per month. At a more detailed level, it has been observed that both tap and shower usage, as well as toilet tank consumption, are concentrated during daylight hours and range between 2 and 6 m³ per day. However, on days with high attendance, such as basketball matches, consumption increases considerably. Regarding electricity, an annual pattern is observed, where peak consumption occurs during winter due to heating usage and matches. Conversely, minimum consumption is observed during summer months when activities inside the pavilion significantly decrease. At a more detailed level, it is observed that although consumption never reaches zero, the highest consumption and peaks are concentrated during daylight hours. Unlike water, electric consumption is less dependent on the number of people in the pavilion and more influenced by the activities carried out, as well as the space and duration involved. Based on this analysis, recommendations have been proposed to improve the sustainable management of the facilities, considering both cost and water savings. For water, the following measures have been suggested: leakage and loss detection, water-saving mechanisms, reuse of graywater, and utilization of rainwater. On the other hand, for enhancing the use of electricity resources in the facilities, the following measures have been proposed: energy audits and management systems, use of renewable sources, and installation of energy-efficient lighting and appliances ​
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