Avaluació del projecte d'educació ambiental "Va de plàstics?" del programa educatiu de medi ambient de la ciutat de Vic. Escola FEDAC Pare Coll Vic

Pla Baranera, Maria
This study collects the evaluation of the project “Va de Plàstics?”, which was carried out in March 2023 in the school FEDAC Pare Coll Vic thanks to the “Programa educatiu de medi ambient” of the local government of Vic. In order to carry out the evaluation properly, the evaluation methodology was planned before the beginning of the project. The first part of this evaluation focuses on the evaluation of the impact of the project on students’ learning; secondly, it evaluates the satisfaction of both students and teachers, the materials and documents used throughout the project, as well as the development. The third part is based on Medir (Medir et al., 2016) and the evaluation is strictly focused on the detection of the key principles of environmental education, and therefore, has a much more direct approach towards environmental education. The combination of the various evaluation strategies aims to obtain a wide range of varied results, and thus draw conclusions as carefully and objectively as possible. The obtained results show a clear impact of the project on the students; a positive evaluation in terms of satisfaction on the part of both students and teachers, as well as a positive evaluation of the materials, the documents and the development of the project. Finally, it is concluded that two of the key principles of environmental education based on Medir (Medir et al., 2016) are developed correctly throughout the project, while other five need to be improved and the rest can be improved ​
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