Seguiment i optimització de la planta de depuració d’aigües residuals del celler i formatgeria La Vinyeta

Gironella Fernandez, Enric
Water is an increasingly limited resource, and predictions for the coming years present a stage where access to this resource will become more and more challenging. For this reason, there is a growing interest in water reuse, and new natural technologies are being developed that we will see expanding in the future. This study focuses on the wine industry, specifically La Vinyeta winery, which has a great responsibility in using water efficiently and sustainably. During this bachelor's thesis, an assessment of the quality and quantity of water generated in the winery was conducted. The following parameters were analyzed: COD, BOD, TSS, total nitrogen, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, total phosphorus, phosphates, and pH. Water meters in different areas of the winery were also monitored to determine the amount of water used and obtain inflow values to the wastewater treatment plant. Finally, the performance of each stage of the winery and cheese factory's wastewater treatment plant was evaluated, and possible improvement strategies were proposed. The results showed a low reduction in parameters such as organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, and pH. However, during the sampling months, a leakage problem was detected in the constructed wetland, which, once resolved, improved the plant's performance, significantly reducing most of the analyzed parameters. It could be stated that the wastewater treatment plant's operation is not optimal, but thanks to this study, weak points and some issues have been identified, which, if managed properly, can help improve the plant's performance and allow for the reuse of a significant portion of the generated wastewater. Furthermore, different improvement proposals were studied to address the malfunctioning of the various stages of the treatment plant. It has been observed that despite the existence of many different types of natural wastewater treatment technologies, there is still a lack of research towards the natural treatment of these waters ​
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