Benefici de l’ús de corticoesteroides en la maduració pulmonar fetal en pacients prematurs: projecte de recerca
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Introduction: A premature birth is one that occurs before thirty-seven weeks of
gestation, and the earlier the labor that ends with the birth of the baby occurs, the
more complications it will suffer. One of the main complications is insufficient fetal
lung maturation to be able to properly adapt to extrauterine life. The administration of
corticosteroids from the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy aims to improve the fetal
morbidity and mortality caused by this pathology.
Objective: To demonstrate the benefit of the administration of corticosteroids for the
improvement of fetal lung maturation in premature infants from the twenty-fourth
week of gestation.
- specific objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of this cesarean treatment
at term.
- specific objective: demonstrate efficacy at fetal, neonatal, infantile and adult
Methodology: The methodology of this work has been a bibliographic review of
systematic reviews, meta-analysis, retrospective cohort study, cross-sectional study
and narrative review of the last five PubMed, Cochrane and Science databases
during the months of January and May of two thousand twenty three