Adherència terapèutica i alfabetització per la salut relacionada amb el risc de caigudes dels adults grans: projecte de recerca
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Nowadays, older adults in Catalonia make up 25,33% of the population. The evidence shows
that in this age range, therapeutic adherence and health literacy decreases, and the risk of falls
increases among older adults. However, health literacy is considered essential to improve and
increase therapeutic adherence, and the former as a protective factor against the risk of falls.
Objective: To know the correlation between therapeutic adherence and health literacy in
relation to the risk of falls in older adults who receive care in the Basic Health Area (ABS) of
Girona 1, 2, 3 and 4. Material and methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, observational,
retrospective, quantitative and comparative study. The study sample will be chosen through
non-probability convenience sampling. The study variables are socio-demographic data of
older adults, therapeutic adherence, health literacy and risk of falls. The data will be obtained
through the administration of adHoc questionnaire of 19 questions to determine the
sociodemographic data, and tree validated tests will be used: Morisky Green Test, to study
therapeutic adherence; HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire, to identify the health literacy of older
adults; and the J.H. Downton scale, to estimate the risks of falls. The data analysis will be
performed using the IBM SPSS 25.0 program. The results of the present research will contribute
to interfere to the nursing activities, in order to improve the quality of life of older adults