Factors d'èxit de la lactància materna en nadons bessons prematurs: revisió bibliogràfica
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Introduction: Multiple pregnancy rates have increased in recent years and, with
this, the rates of premature birth have also increased. The World Health
Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding as the only food during the first 6
months of a baby’s life, due to its benefits for proper development. However, in some
cases, twin babies may have more difficulties in maintaining breastfeeding as a
consequence of factors that are related, such as prematurity.
Objective: To determine the duration of breastfeeding in late and healthy preterm
twins, to analyze the main factors involved in the success and failure of this, and to
identify the most effective nursing care to ensure success in initiation and
maintenance of breastfeeding in healthy late preterm twin infants.
Methodology: A bibliographic review of articles published in the last 6 years,
between the months of December 2022 and April 2023 (both inclusive) has been
carried out. The specialized health sciences databases consulted were: Cochrane,
Cinahl, Scopus, Web of Science and Pubmed. Keywords have been used together
with the boolean operator “AND”