Règim lingüístic de l'ensenyament a Catalunya al Consell d'Europa: la seva avaluació en els cicles de control de compliment de la Carta europea de les llengües regionals o minoritàries
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This article examines the evaluations of the linguistic model for education in Catalonia, as performed within the framework of the different cycles for monitoring compliance with the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. More specifically, it reviews the evaluations of the model in the reports issued by the Committee of Experts and the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.The article comprises three sections. The first one examines the position of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages within the system of sources of law, with special emphasis on the legal and interpretative value recognised therefor by constitutional case-law. Based on this, the second part reviews the specific undertakings assumed by Spain in its instrument of ratification of the Charter, within the field of language use in education. The commitments made, which are legally binding and wide-ranging, are reviewed. Lastly, the article proposes a review of the evaluations of the linguistic model for education in Catalonia and also that contemplated in other Spanish autonomous communities, performed as part of the Charter's monitoring cycles. To do this, it looks at the periodic examinations included in the reports from the Committee of Experts and in the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe