L’extracte de fulla d’olivera redueix la pressió arterial de pacients amb hipertensió arterial lleugera sense malaltia vascular subclínica

Espín Sánchez, Rufina
Introduction: Hypertension is the common cardiovascular risk factor and affects 20 to 50% of the population. Treatment, with drugs or not, involves improving lifestyle. Olive leaf extract has traditionally been taken to improve blood pressure (BP) and has been searched as an antihypertensive for the past 30 years. This double-blind crossover randomized clinical trial investigates its antihypertensive effect in a low cardiovascular risk population. Objective: There is low-quality evidence showing the hypotensive effect of olive leaf extract, especially in Southeast Asian populations. The aim of this thesis is to find out if the oleuropein extract added to the lifestyle modifications is associated with a reduction in blood pressure, measured by ABPM, and if this reduction overcomes the lifestyle modifications, in patients from the Mediterranean world with mild hypertension of low cardiovascular risk. It is also an objective to assess whether, with this strategy, a greater number of patients with controlled hypertension is achieved. Design: Randomized, crossover, double-blind clinical trial. Material and method: 24 patients who met the inclusion criteria were selected and randomized to receive placebo or extract for 1 month, 1 of the participants dropped out before finishing the study. After a one-month washout, patients received extract or placebo for one month. A 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was performed before and after each phase. All participants received advice on lifestyle modifications ​
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