Actius en salut per l'afrontament psicoemocional de les pràctiques d'infermeria: revisió bibliogràfica

Díaz Milà, Maria Àngels
Introduction: There is abundant empirical evidence of clinical practices as a determining factor in the psycho-emotional well-being of undergraduate nursing students. The salutogenic perspective contributes to the improvement of health and well-being through health assets. The identification of the health assets used by students in clinical practices allows influencing the factors that produce discomfort and improves nursing practice. Objectives: To study the main health assets of nursing students for the psycho- emotional coping of clinical internship, determining the differences between genders and identifying the clinical environments that cause greater difficulties. Methodology: A literature review has been carried out in the databases Pubmed, SciELO, Science Direct (Elsevier), Cochrane Library and Dialnet. This research was performed between February and April 2023, both included. The level of evidence of the included articles was classified according to the SIGN classification. Results: A total sample of ten articles was obtained. Undergraduate nursing students mostly use active and adaptive coping strategies directed at emotions and problem solving, and active health strategies such as social support, resilience, and emotional intelligence. The clinical environments that cause the most difficulty and insecurity among nursing students are interpersonal relationships with teachers and nursing professionals, followed by the lack of knowledge and skills to deal with certain clinical situations such as patient’s suffering or end-of-life care ​
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