Impacte de les cures infermeres en fototeràpia sobre la salut de nadons i pares: revisió bibliogràfica

Casas Garcia, Maria
Background: Neonatal jaundice is a very common condition since it’s present on a 60% of the newborn. Even though it’s usually a physiological condition, it can rise until it gets to pathological levels, needing treatment to avoid neurological complications. The sickness process of a nweborn and his/hers hospitalization, have a direct impact on the parental stress level and the bonding process development. This study comes from the hypothesis that holístic nursing care and a family-centered care can help to decrease the parental stress in newborns with jaundice that requiered phototherapy treatment. Objectives: Knowing the impact of nursing care on the health of the baby and its parents, when it receives phototherapy treatment, as well as identifying those cares that reduce parental stress, increase postpartum depression and make it difficult to establish the mother-infant bond . It also seeks to determine the effectiveness of non-conventional methods such as home phototherapy and portable devices, compared with phototherapy applied in a hospital setting. Methodology: A bibliographic review was carried out by looking for articles between the months of October and December of 2022 The selectioned articles were published between 2017 and 2022. The databases used were: PubMed, Cochrane Library, Science direct, CINAHL i Web of Science ​
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