La transversabilidad normativa de la salud como derecho
Texto Completo
This doctoral thesis has the ambitious challenge of studying how social, labor, technological and environmental changes affect the reformulation of the right to health. It has become clear during the Covid-19 pandemic the pressing need to put the emphasis on health as a right, for a real and effective protection of it. It is intended to analyze international and European regulations on health and especially occupational health. With regard to national legislation, the constitutional precepts related to the right to health will be carefully analyzed. The right to health will also be studied in the field of social security regulations, health regulations, labor regulations and in particular the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks.
The analysis carried out attempts to detect to what extent the right to health protection should be strengthened in Spanish legislation, both in the EC and in its implementing regulations. The reformulation of the right to health based on the above challenges also implies the reformulation of the concept of occupational accidents and diseases for further clarification. In this line, the reformulation of aspects of labor regulations, and of the regulations on the prevention of occupational risks, would also correspond. Be that as it may, the right to health faces important challenges plus those that already exist that demand universal, real and effective protection
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