Caracterización mediante métodos inversos numéricos y correlación digital de imágenes de las propiedades elásticas en el plano de materiales compuestos laminados producidos con fabricación aditiva

Arbeláez Toro, Juan José
In recent years, additive manufacturing technologies (3D printing) have been introduced in different fields, such as locomotion and bioengineering, among others. Extrusion by Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) or Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) is striking among the different 3D printing techniques for its versatility and capabilities. The mechanical properties of the materials manufactured with this type of manufacturing technology depend on factors associated to machine parameters, material density, manufacturing orientation, working parameters and environmental conditions. Due to the process of manufacturing, materials printed through these techniques can be considered as laminated materials. Therefore, identifying the elastic and mechanical properties of these materials is essential for its correct use and application. This characterization of properties is usually carried out under standards that involve varied experimental tests in a repetitive way for each one of the constants to be identified. New forms of identification have appeared to reduce the number of tests in the elastic characterization of laminated composites. In these, numerical techniques of inverse solution and of measurement of heterogeneous fields of deformation are considered, as well as the natural characteristics of the material. The inverse procedure only requires one experiment (on the plane) to characterize composites of carbon fibers or glass (among others). For this, methodologies based on optimization techniques and direct solutions on reverse mathematics are used. Different experimental tests are also used as measurement techniques. Previous research has identified a set of difficulties to be solved, corresponding to deviations in the inferred parameters, implementation in composites manufactured with additive manufacturing, effects of the surface finish on the inference, efficiency of the method according to the degree of orthotropy of the material, types of optical configurations based on standardized geometries, limitations associated with the type of reverse solution implemented, among others. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to improve the process of elastic identification with inverse methods using a single experimental test of laminated composites to reduce the existing gaps in the implementation of this methodology. For this, an algorithm based on gradient optimization methods is designed and developed in order to minimize the adjustment of the deformation fields of a numerical finite element model with respect to a reference obtained by non-contact measurement in an experimental test. The evaluation of the algorithm developed for elastic characterization is performed with 22 open-hole geometry specimens; additive manufacturing of continuous carbon fiber and thermoplastic matrix, in symmetrical and balanced stacks with different orthotropic grades, is used in the manufacturing of the coupons. The experimental process is carried out in a quasi-static tensile test, where the deformation fields are captured with digital image correlation (DIC) equipment in an appropriate configuration and with proper preparation of the specimen surfaces ​
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