Análisis de las empresas de turismo rural en Cataluña y Galicia: rentabilidad económica y solvencia 2014 - 2018

We study rural tourism based on the accounting data obtained from the SABI database (Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System). The study has been limited to two Spanish communities, specifically Catalonia and Galicia, during 2014 and 2018. We analyse the economic viability of the farms at an aggregate level, through financial ratios applying the CoDa methodology (Compositional Data), which solves the problems of asymmetry, nonlinearity and outliers present in traditional sectoral analysis through ratios. The data have been classified into three groups (clusters), which differ with respect to return on equity, decomposed into turnover, margin and leverage. The compositional biplot has also been used, which makes it possible to diagnose individual companies and trace their trajectories over time. We conclude that in all clusters, the industry presents mostly negative margins and returns, although the situation improves somewhat in 2018. We identify a cluster with major indebtedness problems located mostly in Galicia ​
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