Les teràpies complementàries i les/els professionals de la salut. L’efecte de la musicoteràpia en l’estrès de les infermeres i infermers que atenen persones amb malaltia oncològica
Texto Completo
Complementary therapies are highly present in our society and they are consulted and used by the general population. This has been shown by the European Commission, the European Council and the WHO, among other international and domestic bodies, such as the General Nursing Council of Spain and the Catalan Nursing Council. It is not only everyday people who use them, but also healthcare professionals, despite the fact that Spain does not have any specific regulations on the matter.
Objectives The objectives of this study are to determine the knowledge and use of complementary therapies available and carried out by healthcare professionals within the Girona Regional Healthcare System, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of music therapy on the stress levels of nurses who care for individuals with cancer.
Methodology The study is distributed in two stages or parts, each of which includes
a different design: the first stage corresponds to a descriptive, qualitative and cross-
disciplinary study designed to determine the knowledge and use of complementary therapies by healthcare professionals. The second stage of the study is experimental.
It is focused on evaluating the effect of musical therapy on the stress levels of nurses who care for individuals with cancer
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