Housing Supply and How It Is Related to Social Inequalities—Air Pollution, Green Spaces, Crime Levels, and Poor Areas—In Catalonia

We carried out a search of over 12,000 houses offered on the rental market in Catalonia and assessed the possibility of families below the poverty threshold being able to rent these homes. In this regard, we wanted to evaluate whether the economic situation of families is able to influence their social environment, surroundings, and safety. We observed how their economic situation can allow families the possibility of developing a life without exposure to health risks, and how economic constraints result in disadvantages in several areas of life. The results show how families at risk of poverty live in less favourable conditions and experience a widening of different gaps, with current prices leading to a possible poverty trap for the most disadvantaged groups. The higher the percentage of the population below the threshold, the lower the possibility of not being able to rent a house compared to areas with a lower prevalence of population below the threshold. This association was observed both when considering the risk linearly and non-linearly. Linearly, the probability of not renting a house was reduced by 8.36% for each 1% increase in the prevalence of population at risk of extreme poverty. In the second, third and fourth percentage quartiles, the probability of not being able to rent a house decreased by 21.13%, 48.61%, and 57.79%, respectively. In addition, the effect was different inside and outside of metropolitan areas, with the former showing a decrease of 19.05% in the probability of renting a house, whereas outside metropolitan areas the probability increased by 5.70% ​
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