Defining the effect of service quality measurement on service design procedures: mixed methods analysis of four performing arts festivals in Catalonia, Spain
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Evidence suggests that customer satisfaction relates directly to engagement, loyalty, and wordof-
mouth. Moreover, a growing body of literature in the cultural tourism sector recognises the
importance of guaranteeing high service quality standards. Consequently, extensive research
has been carried out on service quality measurement techniques, generating a prominent
debate around the appropriateness of the tools used to gather and standardise scores. Most
studies focused on implementing post-service surveys resulting in detailed statistical reports.
However, such approaches have failed to critically analyse their outcomes by contrasting them
with an insight into the perception that organisations’ managers and employees hold towards
the features questioned to the audience. Few published studies have addressed service quality
management through a mixed-methods methodology that include managers, employees, and
customers. Furthermore, there has been no detailed investigation on how the customer
satisfaction scores obtained are applied in strategic management decisions. To address such gap
of knowledge, this investigation aimed to define a conceptual model that explains the
relationship between service design, service delivery, and service quality measurement in the
setting of cultural events. The central thesis of this paper is that customer satisfaction
measurements should be used as input data frames for service design procedures. This study
used a mixed-methods approach to analyse four performing arts festivals in Catalonia, Spain.
First, the research implemented a qualitative analysis from a constructivist-interpretive logic,
complementing a post-positivism stance. Data for this investigation were collected using semistructured
interviews of 43 items. The study registered 24 professionals from 4 cultural
organisations following a purposeful sampling. There were no significant differences in the
notion of service delivery among employees. Moreover, they expressed similar apprehensions
about communication, environment, effectiveness, and customisation features. Secondly, the
study applied quantitative analysis to online surveys based on our proposed Performing Arts
Festival Model. The questionnaires were composed of 34 items; in total, 208 festival attendants
completed them successfully. Statistical tests revealed an influence of sociodemographic
variables on attributes´ scores. Similarly, the tests correlated attributes´ scores and overall
customer satisfaction. Finally, results displayed a correlation between overall customer
satisfaction and loyalty. We could conclusively establish that service quality measures must be
used as input data frames for service design procedures to improve customer experience in
service delivery touchpoints. The main implication of these results in the field is that the event
management process should be cyclical and requires to connect all stages i.e., pre-service, inservice,
post-service, and improvement. Correspondingly, every stakeholder must be actively
involved with a clearly defined role. Results from this research are limited to Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) in charge of cultural events celebrated annually. Future research in this area
should employ digital tools that allow for a close observance and precise measurement of
interactions during service delivery encounters.
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