Roadmap for scaling up thermophilic CO2 bioreduction to acetate : shedding light on using surplus renewable energy and industrial off gases

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is largely emitted in the ignition of fossil fuels for transport, electricity generation or other industrial processes. CO2 is an inorganic compound that exists naturally on Earth, but its concentration has increased exponentially since the industrial revolution, causing the acceleration of global warming. Bioelectrochemical systems (BES) and more specifically, the microbial electrosynthesis (MES) platform is one of the several technologies that have been proposed to capture and convert it. What gives added value to MES is the use of microorganisms to catalyse the reduction of CO2 to target compounds, without the need for expensive and scarce materials. However, additional research is still needed for its commercialisation. In this sense, this PhD thesis addresses the challenges of scaling up thermophilic microbial electrosynthesis of acetate (HA) from CO2, using a mixed microbial culture, renewable energy and industrial gas emissions ​
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