Joseph Bernard Flaugier (1757-1813). Vida i obra

Joseph Bernard Flaugier was born in Martigues, Bouches-du-Rhône, on December 10, 1757. On January 23, 1775, the Escola Gratuïta de Dibuix of Barcelona was inaugurated and Flaugier was one of the first students. After completing his formation, the painter moved to Camp de Tarragona, where he painted the decoration of the Casal Castellarnau (ca. 1785) in Tarragona, the paintings for the Sagristia Nova of Poblet (1789-1790) or the cycle of Prometheus from the Casal Miró in Reus (ca. 1791-1793). In the spring of 1797, he travelled to Martigues to manage the legacy of his uncle, the painter Joseph Blaÿ. After that, Flaugier travelled to Paris, staying there from July to September. Returning to Barcelona, the painter's consideration reached the highest levels through commissions such as the paintings for the Palau dels marquesos d’Alfarràs (1799), the decoration of the dome for the old church of the Congregation of the Mission (1801) or the portraits of the monarchs (1802) commissioned by Barcelona City Council. The Peninsular War cut short the artistic life in Catalonia. Flaugier was elected new Director of Llotja by the invading government. The requisition of paintings from the convents intended to expand the Llotja’s gallery was the most outstanding episode during this period. Works like Retrat del rei Josep I and Batalla de Molins de Rei date from that same year, 1809. On December 30, 1812, the painter dictated his last wishes and died on January 2. In the context of confluence that determined the artistic panorama between the 18th and 19th centuries, Flaugier formulated an original plastic proposal based on an academic method such as the repeated practice of drawing that was mirrored in the neoclassicism canons. Author of an extensive catalogue, he acted as an introducer of new themes in genres such as mythological or costumbrismo, anticipating the artistic productions made in the Catalonia and connecting with a trend that would fully develop with romanticism. In his paintings and drawings of the Peninsular War, the painter anticipated again his contemporaries and his works possess the value of immediacy as a product of the historical period in which he lived ​
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