L'obrador d'Antoni Peitaví i la producció de retaules als comtats del Rosselló i la Cerdanya (c. 1560-1592)
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This research paper focuses on the study of the professional career of the painter
Antoni Peitaví and his workshop. Furthermore, it presents a critical analysis of his
artistic culture. Born in Toulouse in the mid-16th century, Antoni Peitaví worked as a
painter all through the counties of Roussillon and Cerdanya (diocese of Elna), alongside
other parts in the south of the Pyrenees, including La Seu d'Urgell and Sant Joan de les
Abadesses. The excellent practice of the master and his collaborators, particularly
Miquel Verdaguer, led to his dominance on the market of altarpieces, generating an important production throughout the territory. The distinctive pictorial language of the
Peitaví-Verdaguer society, still subject to the artisan inertias characteristically of the
Catalan pictorial tradition, is established within the artistic context termed «Catalan
Romanism». And both artists together were the protagonist of a new episode in the
application of the language of late Mannerism from the engraving of Cornelis
Cort. Antoni Peitaví and the painters who worked alongside whith him brought together
the most highly valued skills of his time, turning them into a key factor in the devotional
painting market of the period
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