Comportamientos de riesgo para la salud y calidad de vida en adolescentes escolarizados
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The main objective of this research is to determine the association of different Health Risk Behaviours (HRB's) with the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in a sample of 550 adolescents attending school, aged 15 to 18 years, enrolled in a secondary school in Valparaíso, Chile. The KIDSCREEN-52 Questionnaire was used to evaluate HRQoL and the World School Health Survey (EMSE) to identify HRB's. The KIDSCREEN-52 dimensions scores were calculated using the Rasch analysis, transformed to T values and standardized to M=50, SD=10. Comparisons of Rasch scores, bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were made to study the association of the dimensions of the HRQoL of KIDSCREEN-52 with the HRB's adjusted for age and gender. The data analysis was performed using the STATA v12 statistical package. This study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Playa Ancha University. Informed consent was requested from parents or legal guardians, and participating adolescents too. The comparisons of the Rasch scores showed higher punctuations in men than in women, and as the age increased, a decrease in the school environment dimension score was observed. Multiple logistic regression analyses indicate that psychoactive substance use, physical inactivity and suicidal behaviours are negatively related to most dimensions of HRQoL. Obesity was related to a worse self-perception and being victim of intimidation was related to a worse psychological well-being and social acceptance. The lack of psychosocial protective factors (parental regulation and control, and social support in school) was negatively related to most dimensions of HRQoL.
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