Les torres de baix republicanes del nord-est peninsular; el cas de Puig d'Àlia (Amer, la Selva)
In the current paper, we want to show the last researches about the Puig d’Àlia tower archaeological site (Amer, Selva), between 2015 and 2017.We add new data in XXth Century descriptions, where the researchers wrote about an Iberian site, besides the principal Roman tower, that we could
appreciate above ground. Through a stratigraphic analysis of the last digs, we will determine three phases of occupation. The first preiberian or Iberian phase has different anthropological levels where a possible wall fixes in. The second phase is that defensive structure dated using the stratigraphic information because its associated materials are the tower’s fill as itself. Finally, the last phase is romanorepublican tower, dated very well through its material culture.
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