Estructura poblacional y conectividad genética de la gamba roja, Aristeus antennatus, en el Mar Mediterráneo noroccidental
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The conservation of a commercially exploited species is fundamental to ensure the long-term sustainability of the resource. Thus, genetic information is essential for the identification of reproductively isolated and genetically differentiated units.
The blue and red shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Crustacea, Decapoda) is an important fishery resource in the Geographical Sub-Area 6 (GSA6) of the western Mediterranean Sea. In this thesis the seven most important fishing grounds of the GSA6, from Golfo de León to Cabo de Palos, have been analysed using hypervariable genetic markers to know the genetic diversity, the population structure and the temporal stability of the blue and red shrimp genetic connectivity. Samplings were performed within two consecutive years, 2016 and 2017, during winter and summer.
In winter, the blue and red shrimp constitutes mating aggregations made up of males and females, which displayed a high level of genetic connectivity, indicating a lack of geographic or oceanographic barriers to gene flow in the studied area. Nevertheless, it was detected a significant temporal instability between 2016 and 2017, which could be due to a local temporal oceanographic factor in Blanes.
During summer, the blue and red shrimp constitutes spawning females’ aggregations between 600-800 metres depth. These aggregations showed a high level of genetic connectivity along the GSA6 and a temporal genetic stability, which could be due to a sex-biased dispersal, where females would migrate further than males, which would migrate to the closest fishing grounds.
The dispersal pattern of juvenile and adult males of A. antennatus captured in winter and summer of 2016 at Palamós fishing ground, showed that between 54% and 75% of males would originate in Palamós, whereas part of them originated from nearby grounds.
The lack of genetic differentiation obtained between A. antennatus populations along the GSA6 supports considering it as a single fishery management unit. The genetic results obtained in this doctoral thesis, both at the GSA6 level and locally in the Palamós fishing ground, should be incorporated into any action carried out to improve management of the blue and red shrimp fishery
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