Valoración del inventario de los lugares de interés geológico de Menorca, Islas Baleares

Garcia-Lozano, Carla
Text Complet
A proposal of 36 Places of Geological Interest (LIG) on the island of Menorca are analyzed. This is a local inventory whose main objective is the representativeness of the geology and geomorphology of the island. The selection is mainly based on the intrinsic value of the places, as well as the potential for scientific, informative and tourist use. Their vulnerability has also been evaluated, as a useful tool for land management. This work evaluates their suitability and relationship with the LIGs of national and regional rank, and the values applied in each of the groups analyzed at the local level. Based on the results, the methodology used at regional scales and the parameters established for its valuation and assessment are discussed ​
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