La traducció medieval d’Andreu Febrer en les traduccions catalanes de la "Divina comèdia" del nou-cents
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In this article, some textual examples are provided to show that the translators of the Divine Comedy in Catalan throughout the 20th century —especially Antoni d’Espona, Antoni Rubió i Lluch, and Josep Maria de Sagarra— referred to Andreu Febrer’s medieval translation, which was edited by Vidal i de Valenciano in 1878. It is known that the scholars of that time gave a great importance to this translation from the second half of the 19th century onwards, and more precisely, when commemorating the sixth centenary of Dante Alighieri’s death in 1921. Here it is proved that not only was this text highly valued by scholars, but it was also read by writers and translators. This is known because the medieval translation influenced hese
modern Catalan translations