Valoració dels canvis que pateix la uretra durant l’embaràs objectivats per ecografia 2D i la relació d’aquests amb l’aparició d’incontinència d’orina en la gestació

Carrera Boix, Alícia
Urinary incontinence (UI) is a dysfunction that has a very negative impact on the quality of life of women who suffer from it (low self-esteem, shame, restriction of social contacts, etc.). Different factors involved in the development of this dysfunction have been described, being pregnancy and childbirth among the main ones. During pregnancy, 4 out of 10 women develop UI, and, what is even more relevant, suffering from this problem in pregnancy is an important risk factor for the persistence of UI after childbirth. It has also been seen that a higher degree of UI (moderate / severe / very severe) has a greater impact on the quality of life of those women who suffer from it. The main objective of this thesis is to assess whether in the first trimester of pregnancy there are identifiable differential features that would allow us to discriminate which group of pregnant women would be most at risk of developing moderate / severe UI throughout pregnancy. To this end, we have designed a prospective cohort study with 152 nulliparous pregnant women recruited at the Hospital de Santa Caterina de Salt, between 2018 and 2020. The pregnant women were assessed for a series of clinical and ultrasound variables both in the first and third trimester. Clinical variables were: ethnicity, age, smoking habits, level of education, BMI, and ICIQ-SF questionnaire score. Ultrasound variables were mesured at rest and straining: retrovesical angle, urethral length, urethral sphincter thickness and urethral mobility. Of all the variables studied in the first trimester, urethral mobility (both assessed by introital and transperineal 2D ultrasound) and BMI showed an association with the onset of moderate / severe UI in the third trimester. Based on these variables, we developed two models of UI prediction in pregnancy: introital urethral mobility-BMI and transperineal urethral mobility-BMI. We then created an online application for each of the models that would allow us to calculate at the beginning of the pregnancy the individual risk that each pregnant woman has of presenting moderate / severe UI in the third trimester. Therefore, based on the individual risk calculated with the application, different primary prevention programs may be proposed to each pregnant woman according to their risk group (high, medium or low) ​
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