Propuesta de inclusión de los barjanes de la playa de Sant Pere Pescador dentro del Lugar de Interés Geológico Les Llacunes -Aiguamolls de L'Empordà (Costa Brava, Cataluña) = Proposal for the inclusion the barchans on the Sant Pere Pescador beach within the Places of Geological Interest Les Llacunes – Aiguamolls de L'Empordà (Costa Brava, Catalonia)

Garcia-Lozano, Carla
Texto Completo
A proposal to include the Sant Pere Pescador beach in the LIG (Important Geological Site) Les Llacunes - Aiguamolls de l'Empordà (Girona) is made. To this propose, the LIG evaluation methodology has been applied according to the established by Law 42/2007. The results obtained with regard to their interest are high, as well as the values of degradation and protection. The results show that the values of the Sant Pere Pescador beach are as high as the LIG. The weak management carried out on this beach threat the stability of this fragile and dynamic morphological system, a fact that justifies the site as a LIG to ensure its protection and recovery ​
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