Sistemàtica per a l'anàlisi de resultats d'activitats educatives a les institucions museístiques

Museum education has aspects in common with formal education. The objective of this thesis is to define a system for the design and evaluation of educational activities that allows designers and evaluators to improve the results. To achieve this, we propose a conceptual model (language), a visual representation of educational activities and a computer tool developed on the basis of these concepts, which allows managing the designs and evaluation of these activities. The conceptual model has its origin in the study of human cognition and also in the successes of existing instruction design languages and software tools. The parameters that could be useful to an evaluator have also been defined and the different evaluation systems that would allow obtaining these parameters have been located and classified. The conceptual model has been implemented in a computer program prototype. The prototype allows defining the design and execution of educational activities. It also allows managing the evaluations and calculation of different parameters. To define the final version of the prototype and the conceptual model, different performance tests have been carried out consisting of analyzing the behavior of the prototype when dealing with real cases. The conceptual model and the prototype have been adapted according to the results of these tests. The final result is a conceptual model that allows managing the design and evaluation of educational activities in a systematic way and being useful for the analysis of educational activities ​
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