Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) e inventario en consignación como facilitadores de la integración de las empresas de la cadena de suministro del sector farmacéutico

Amaro Martínez, Francisco
In the literature review carried out on the supply chain in the pharmaceutical sector, it became apparent that the companies (actors) in the different links of the supply chain in this sector are subject to a significant reduction in their profit margins, which affects their competitiveness, due to many diverse and varied reasons that, by extension, we do not discuss in this paper. It follows that cost reduction at all levels in the pharmaceutical sector is an urgent necessity, especially in today's global and competitive environment. Likewise, the literature review also showed that an important part of the costs of companies in any sector of economic activity are those of their supply chain. This is why this Thesis has been carried out as a research work to find out and analyse the functioning (best practices) of the distribution of medicines in the Spanish market, following the Singh and Kumar (2016) model found in the literature, as well as to find out and analyse whether there are any improvements to be proposed to increase the performance of the supply chain in this sector, and the economic, social and environmental profitability of companies in all links of the supply chain (laboratories, distributors and pharmacies), without forgetting the improvement of the quality of life of citizens, which is the reason for the existence of this sector. For this reason, a series of semi-structured interviews were carried out on a one-to-one basis with pharmaceutical laboratories and distributors. As a result of this research, a supply chain management model is proposed which is innovative in the pharmaceutical sector, and which is the main contribution of this thesis as it fills a gap that exists in the pharmaceutical sector. This model is based on the collaborative integration of all supply chain actors in the sector, claiming that its implementation would lead to a more agile response to changes in demand by all supply chain actors, a better and faster alignment and adaptation to patients' needs, and a decrease in costs. This would lead to improved supply chain performance and ultimately to increased profitability and competitiveness for all companies in the supply chain in this sector (Lee, 2004) ​
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