Habitar el metaverso mediante la continuidad del cuerpo/avatar en lugares virtuales

Ríos-Llamas, Carlos
Texto Completo
Advances in digitization are linked to important technological transformations such as augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), gamification and artificial intelligence. As a consequence, the digital has become a new modality of existence that is equated with reality. The digital transformation overcomes the disciplinary borders of finance and engineering, to get into design, arts and architecture. The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationships between spaces and bodies within the framework of digital architecture. Deeping in architectural practices in virtual spaces, digital modeling constitutes a playful environment that becomes a “proto-metaverse”. In virtual habitat, the body becomes a conceptual-object modulated through the avatar. Living spaces connect in a continuum from online to offline life. The avatar functions as the digital presence of the body and architecture as the convergence of physical to digital places ​
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