Musicoteràpia en joves migrats i una investigació sobre l'aplicació de la musicoteràpia en un entorn natural

Soler Fiol, Queralt
This master's thesis deals with the use of music therapy with young migrants and its application in outdoor spaces. On the one hand I explain and analyse the practices that I realized as a student of the transcultural music therapy master of the Universitat de Girona. The project called ReGrupArt, developed by the SER.GI Foundation of Girona, aims to include young people who have recently arrived in the country through art, and in this case, through music therapy. On the other hand, I have done research on the use of music therapy in the open air (or outside?) for young adolescents, where I have been able to find that music therapy is a good intervention tool for young people suffering from mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem and depression. The different methods that are used to work through music therapy to the outdoor space or using nature and its sounds, prove to be complementary to some methods already recognized and it can be said that, when used together, they can be an added value that complements the benefits of both ​
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