Efectivitat de la profilaxi pre-exposició en la prevenció del virus de la immunodeficiència humana: revisió bibliogràfica

Muntané Ollé, Joan
Introduction: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the immune system and weakens the defenses against many infections and certain types of cancer that people with a healthy immune system can fight. HIV is a public health problem that affects 33,340 people throughout Catalonia. In November 2019, the Spanish Ministry of Health included Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as an HIV prevention treatment for those HIV-negative people at high risk of infection. Objectives: The main objective is to know the effectiveness of PrEP in preventing HIV. The secondary objectives are to know the degree of adherence of PrEP according to age, sex, gender or sexual orientation in relation to effectiveness. Material and methods: Bibliographic review between November 2021 and January 2022 using the Pubmed, Scielo, Cinahl, Health Evidence, Dialnet and Cochrane databases. A total of 12 articles were selected that matched the inclusion criteria. Results: PrEP as a treatment for non-HIV infected people with a high risk of exposure demonstrates a high preventive effective against HIV infection. Adherence is essential to ensure the effectiveness of PrEP, and optimal prevention is achieved through a combined action plan ​
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