Las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza como estrategias en la gestión del riesgo de inundación

The purpose of this article is to show how the work of Joan Mateu Bellés on the joint dynamics of geomorphological and hydrological processes and anthropic action in flood occurrence in Mediterranean 820ANNA RIBAS PALOM / DAVID SAURÍ PUJOLDepósito Legal: V-2.147 – 1960ISSN: 0210-086XDOI: 10.7203/CGUV.109.23829river basins constitutes a source of basic knowledge for the design and implementation of the so-called Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Mateu’s contributions provide a very detailed knowledge about the be-havior of the different variables of local hydrological cycles. This knowledge can then be used in flood prevention, the maintenance of riverbeds, and the restoration of alluvial plains ​
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