Viaje a la luna de García Lorca, el guion que nunca quiso ser una réplica de Un chien andalou

In the autumn of 1929 in New York, Federico García Lorca wrote a screenplay for the film Viaje a la luna (Journey to the Moon). For many years some experts considered it to be a replica of the film An Andalusian Dog by Luis Buñuel/Salvador Dalí. This article is based on the idea that, regardless of whether Lorca knew or did not know the work of his fellow students at the Residencia de Estudiantes, the script of Viaje a la luna proposes a path of exportation of a visual poetics based on the use of metaphor that fits perfectly with the search carried out by Federico García Lorca during his stay in New York, in which he sought to find various points of anchorage with an avant-garde poetics that would allow him to produce a series of works that express a poetic relationship of writing in relation to the images and possible worlds created. Viaje a la luna is an outline of some of the questions that would be present in the avant-garde theatre that Lorca began to write in New York, especially in El público ​
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