Los conflictos de jurisdicción entre la Administración y los tribunales. Evolución histórica, análisis y propuestas de lege ferenda
Texto Completo
Conflicts of jurisdiction, currently regulated in articles 38 to 41 of the LOPJ
and in Organic Law 4/1987, of July 15, represent an oddity in the spanish
constitutional system, particularly due to the especial features of the so-called
Court of Conflicts of Jurisdiction, a body, presided over by the President of
the Supreme Court made up of members of the Judiciary and the Council of
This court is not provided for in the constitutional text and therefore, a priori,
it collides with the principle of jurisdictional unity, although, over the years,
its existence and the validity of its decisions have not been disputed. These
resolutions, in their more than 30 years of existence, have not been prolific in
terms of numbers, although, on certain occasions, the issues it has decided
have strongly focused the public opinion.
In this thesis it is intended, first of all, to define the historical framework of
the institution, its relationships and the legal evolution of the contending
parts, that is, the judicial Courts and Tribunals, on one hand, and the
executory branch, on the other hand, covering the period that ranges from
the Old Regime to the current legal system. Second, it is intended to compare
jurisdictional conflicts with other internal conflictual systems and some
others pertaining to foreign jurisdictions, whereupon the discussion will
focus on the historical evolution of these conflicts, the preparatory
parliamentary debates and the current regulations of the law. Eventually, we
recapitulate the previous results and proceed to critically analyze the
institution in order to offer some proposals de lege ferenda exposing different
ways to attributing the task of resolving the improperly named conflicts of
jurisdiction to the judiciary, which is the branch of government whom the
attribution of control over the administrative rules and of the legality of the
administrative activity is properly allocated.
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