Estudio anatómico y funcional del ligamento colateral ulnar lateral. Análisis de su papel en la inestabilidad postero-lateral
Texto Completo
We performed a descriptive and functional experimental study in various phases of the lateral elbow liamentous complex (LCL), with special relevance to the function of the lateral ulnar collateral ligament (LCUL). Initially,we carried out an anatomical dissection until LCL fascicles were identified in detail. The technique of plastination of semithin sections with E12, we have used for the first time in the elbow joint, with the aim of deepening the description of the distribution of ligamentous fibers.
In the histological study we determined the location and density of mechanoreceptors in different regions of the LCUL. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound complemented the description of the fascicle and allowed us to carry out a morphometric study that we compared with the results obtained in the disecction. Finally, we performed a biomechanical study generating sequential injuries in the different fascicles of the lateral ligamentous complex of the elbow with the aim of evaluating their behaviour under different applied forces.
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