Percepció de les infermeres pediàtriques d’atenció primària en relació al Programa Infància amb Salut: estudi qualitatiu: projecte de recerca finalitzat
Texto Completo
In the field of primary care in Catalonia, health care for healthy children and teenagers
is provided from the Children with Health Programme. This program has different
reviews, some carried out autonomously by the nurse and others in collaboration with
the nurse and the paediatrician. Previous experiences of primary care centres where
nurses have strengthened their autonomous role, show that nurses have the skills to
lead the programme. The main objective of this study is to know the perception of
paediatric nurses in primary care about the Children with Health Programme.
Qualitative study of paediatric nurses in the field of primary care in the health region
of Girona. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the results were
thematically analyzed